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About Performing Arts
More details about our Performing Arts Tours
Making the director’s life
as easy as possible.
We are well aware that the directors of orchestras, choirs, theater departments have a whole different level of challenges before they even leave home! Rehearsals, prop or instrument transportation, music stands, costumes, the list seems endless. With this in mind, we seek to do everything humanly possible to make the pre trip planning on our side as simple, time efficient and painless as we can. Experience allows us to anticipate many needs of the director and provide timely reminders to avoid those last minute panics.
Itineraries within our Performing Arts Tours are Samples Only. Your group determines how long the tour takes and where you go.
Check here
to view the complete sample itineraries. Please contact us for pricing information. Nothing rewards months of rehearsal like a large and appreciative audience. While nobody can absolutely guarantee a full house, we have a tried and tested arsenal of strategies to put bottoms on seats.
We consult with you for the right mix of venues for your group.
We’re sorry but not every group is able to play in London’s Royal Albert Hall or has the budget either! We will consult with you to work on precisely the right mix of venues for your group; the summer evening piazzas of small Italian towns, the castles of Germany, high schools in Scotland, England’s magnificent cathedrals or sing mass at one of Rome’s great basilica. Then there is the broad range of festivals which dot the European landscape in the Spring and Summer months.
Your star cellist forgets her bow. The lead guitarist breaks his last string an hour before the show. You forget the magic flute! The tuxedo needs a tailor quick! A time like this is when you appreciate making the decision to tour with Select Travel all those months ago.